Sunday, July 28, 2013


Nothing really grand happened today, until now.

So, I was talking to my friend when somehow the topic got diverted to sleepovers.

He's a guy so our conversation went something like this,
Me : uh, what?
Friend : Girls fangirl right?
Me : Yeah, not always though, but yeah. 
Friend : That's all you do?
Me : No, we EAT and we talk or watch movies.
Friend : Guys definitely don't do that. ( complete sarcasm )
Me : heheheheh. Don't you guys like fangirl about sports or soccer?
Friend : NO. ps3, xbox, eat ,ps3 xbox, go outside,eat, ps3/xbox, movie, ps3/xbox, go back to their houses  and did I say ps3 and xbox, yeah.
Me: But video games can be played when you're alone or with two people too right?

Apparently, I shouldn't have said that.

Then we started discussing about how video games are better when played with a large mass of people. Then we somehow got into the topic of what girls and boys do at sleepovers respectively.

After an hour long discussion we came to a conclusion that,

Guys at sleepovers : 
  1. Watch movies
  2. Prank call people
  3. Eat
  4. Play videogames. 
  5. Make funny videos
  6. Go outside late at night. 
  7. Play soccer or basketball 
 Girls at sleepover : 
  1. Watch movies
  2. Talk
  3. Do weird stuff, challenges and all that.
  4. Eat
  5. Bake, make sodas and stuff.
  6. Makeovers and Dress-ups.
  7. Gossip or generally talk.
  8. Dance and sing
After finding out what all we do, I asked my friend simply one question, "Videogames can be played alone or with two people so why do you guys play video games at sleepovers?"
He answered saying, " It's fun playing multiplayer at night, especially horror games, and also because its so much fun to beat one another. 'more people more victory'."

I guess he does have a point. Everybody feels better when you have a component to defeat. There would be no fun in playing when you play alone, you need somebody. Winning somehow makes you feel better about yourself. Knowing you can accomplish what you desire is a great feeling within itself.

So, that's what I learned from my conversation with my ever so awesome friend.
Hope, it was of some use to all of you, if not then atleast you know what girls and guys do at sleepovers.

Love always,


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